anger gene What’s Missing for 2012: The Anger Gene By Jay Newton-Small | @JNSmall | November 28, 2011 | 79 Let’s face it, Americans are angry. Whether they’re from the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street , or even 好房網the silent majority, polls show they’re mad as hell with the political status quo. The problem is, if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee – as it’s looking increasingly likely he will be – the 2012 住商房屋election will be a match between two men missing the anger gene. 美國人很憤怒, 茶黨, 或是佔領華爾街或是沈默的大眾, 她們很生氣是有理由的, 問題是 2012年的共和黨候選人很可能是Mitt Romney, (恐怕一定是他?). 這麼說酒店兼職2012選民只有2各選擇歐巴馬與羅尼, 這兩人都沒有生氣的基因, 怎麼說呢? 歐巴瑪是陳如他自己在自傳了說, 我只要穿梭黑白世界裡, 懂得如何禮貌與應對讓對方滿意就不會有麻煩,大家對這有禮貌的年輕菲裔不會太責難,(納表示他也不太住商房屋有所作為)如果大家還記的2008年的大選, 歐巴馬被說像冰而瑪肯像火(他提出很多方案火力十足), 當時大家的喜好也可能造成今天的局面????? Obama has long been known for his self-discipline. “I learned to slip back and 澎湖民宿forth between my black and white worlds,” he wrote in his autobiography, Dreams from My Father. “One of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no 房地產sudden moves. They were more than satisfied; they were relieved — such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn’t seem angry all the time.” In TIME’s cover story on presidential 網路行銷temperament in 2008, we labeled Obama ice to John McCain’s fire. Yes, Obama learned populism as a community organizer in Chicago , but he’s never been an agitator. The closest he came in his 2008 campaign was 酒店兼職his “Fired Up! Ready to go!” mantra, but he was always more ready to go than fired up. Nor is the former University of Chicago professor’s style particularly empathetic: he’s more professorial than 婚禮佈置understanding. Read more:

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